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FUture Generations Podcast

“Kiersten Markham with a deep sense of love and grace lays out the essence of healing that exists on the opposite side of integrating our life experiences. This conversation is so foundational for all of us at any stage of life. Being a veteran healer in the birthing community, Kiersten has seen so much evidence of the wisdom that we are all birthed with.”


Pure Nurture Podcast

In this episode I got to share my passion for working with couples pre-conception through my Craniosacral practice and my Online Conscious Conception Series for Couples. Kristy also asked really amazing questions, like when I feel the soul enters the body. Take a listen to hear my thoughts…


Spirit baby Radio

Creating Your Conscious Conception for Spirit Baby and Awakened Parenting

In this episode I had the privelege of talking with Kelly Meehan about Conscious Conception, spirit babies, birth psychology, & craniosacral therapy for preparing for conception and babies. 


AppPAH ClassWomb News

The Association of Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health interviewed me about my Conscious Conception Circles and how I combine pre- and perinatal psychology and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy for couples trying to conceive. 


San Diego Voyager 

I was interviewed by San Diego Voyager for their Most Inspiring Stories series. I shared how I got started, challenges, and what I love about my career. 



BiRTHFIT Podcast

In this episode I talked with Lindsey about how my doula journey, being a mother, and how I'm exploring conscious conception.




REd Tricycle Winner

Voted Most Doting Doula in 2016